Welcome ! WebCam Strasbourg Curieux - Ville et Monuments [ CamSite ] In the French province of Alsace sits a lovely Village community of Strabourg.
As per ... Le site officiel de la Communaute Urbanine
et de la Ville de Strasbiurg. Pour anticiper les resques lies a la Chateur, la Ville de Strasbourg [ WebSite ] - The Offical Village of Strasbourg WebSite. The academic life is also richj and
varied - Bienvenue sur la portail de l'Education Nationale
en Alsace [ WebSite ] - The Academic - Academie de - WebSite of
Strasbourg. To take a look at two examples of the private sector of Ville de Strasbourg are C.R.D.P Alsace - Resources Generales - Cathedrale de Strasbourg - le satuaire
[ WebSite ], and Gaz de Strasbourg - Distribeur gaz sur une grande partie de Bas - Rhin [ WebSite ] - A Gas distribution company.
BlogSite is part of an Infra - City National Cultural Communications BlogSite program between the cities of Strasbourg, and
Paris, France [ WebSite ]. Moreover, this part of a larger effort to provide an Inter - City Cultural Communications
WebSite program between the cities of Paris, France, and Ithaca, New York [ WebSite ]. This is also to faciliate the development and communication network to focus on
the significant European issue of Cultural Democracy. Ithaca impact upon European Nationalism and repple effects upon European
Unity. thereafter its full implcaitions to the United States. The emerging
and existing communications network:Euro-Quest MSN - Discussion
group [ HubSite ] The Ithaca Cultural Directory [ WebSite ] International Cultural ( Dance ) Resources [ WebSite ]Yours,
Roger M. ChristianOther
TF1 - WebCam [ CamSite ]
EU Parliament Building in Strasbourg |
The historic city of Strasbourg, Leicester’s twin since 1960,
is often called the ‘Crossroads of Europe’. Situated in the Alsace region in Eastern France, it
is a thriving centre of culture and tourism. It is the capital of Alsace, famous for its gastronomy, vineyards and breweries.
Strasbourg is on the Rhine, which here separates France and Germany. With a famous 12th Century Gothic cathedral and a delightfully
picturesque riverside quarter known as Petite France, it is the seat of the European Parliament and of the Court of Human
Rights. The city has a state-of-the-art tram system and its own airport. Link to Strasbourg website. Link to City of Leicester European Twinning Association.
EU - Council of Europe Strasbourg |
The Council of Europe is the continent's oldest political organisation, founded in 1949.
Political aims The Council of Europe's Vienna Summit in October 1993
set out new political aims. The Heads of State and Government cast the Council of Europe as the guardian of democratic security
- founded on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Democratic security is an essential complement to military security,
and is a pre-requisite for the continent's stability and peace.
During the Second Summit in Strasbourg in October 1997, the Heads of State and Government adopted an action
plan to strengthen the Council of Europe's work in four areas: democracy and human rights, social cohesion, the security of
citizens and democratic values and cultural diversity.
The Council of Europe's third Summit of Heads of State and Government, held in Warsaw on 16 and 17 May 2005,
concluded by adopting a political declaration and an action plan laying down the principal tasks of the Council of Europe
in the coming years: - promoting the common fundamental values of human rights, the rule of law and democracy; - strengthening
the security of European citizens, in particular by combating terrorism, organised crime and trafficking in human beings;
- fostering co-operation with other international and European organisations.
Today, the Organisation continues to grow while at the same time increasing its monitoring to ensure that
all its members respect the obligations and commitments they entered into when they joined.
• groups together 46 countries, including 21 countries from Central and Eastern
Europe, • has application from two more countries (Belarus and Montenegro), • has granted observer status
to 5 more countries (the Holy See, the United States, Canada, Japan and Mexico), • is distinct from the 25-nation
European Union, but no country has ever joined the Union without first belonging to the Council of Europe, • has
its headquarters in Strasbourg, in north-eastern France