Paris Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC

Rouen Night LIfe ( NightLIfe ), RMC
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Rouen Architecture and Art:
See also Parid Art Galleries [ WebPage ]

The other day I was at my home computer and discovered some interesting items about The City of Rouen, France. Around the 12th and 13th Centuries, The Rouen Cathedral was built. It was an impressive structure which beagn the Gothic era in Archietectural design. See Gothic.

This architectual materpiece was so impressive, that a Franch innovative painter, Cluade Monet, did several Impresionalist painting of this wondeful structure. See Monet.

The Central [ WebSite ] " For " Cultural Democracy:

The Academic [ WebSites ] " For " Cultural Democracy:

Cultural Democracy, An Evolving Essay, by Roger Meredith Christian

See live WebCams of Rouen [ LiveCamSite ].

Rouen one Francs be-jeweled port cities of industry and culture as depicted - Pages d' accueil de la Mairie Rouen [ WebSite ]. With its society being re invested culturaly by Universite Rouen [ WebSite ], this city will never loose its luster. Moreover, and encompassed within this region - Bievenue sur le site web du CHU de Rouen [ WebSite ], and ESC - programme Grand Ecole [ WebSite ] depicts the method of Rouen's developments and inner diversities of visions. this plus the connectiveness betwen Rouen and Paris, as depicted in - Paris Normandie toute l' actualite de la Haute - Normandie [ WebSite ] - which exist within French nationalism.

This BlogSite is the Infra - City National Cultural Communications BlogSite program component of The Euro-Quest( NightLife ), RMC WebSite series between the cities of Rouen and Paris, France. Moreover, this establishes an operating INETRNET network for critical discussions on Cultural Democracy-for France the implacation of this is very serious.

More postings are to come.

Roger M. Christian


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