Email: danishfalcon@aol.com
or Call 607 - 451 - 8663 [ If you have a caller id block, then please leave a
voice mail message.] |
Speakers Forum Facilitation:
On campus academia plus off campus careerist within
the private sector are always being sought for a speakers bureau.
The International Students / Scholars Network is currently
underway and is made up those who are in academia on a global scale. In additional developing closer relationships
with Americans, both personally and pedagogic, along with off campus private sector involvement, based upon
their own inter - market interests and service self evaluations in the development of better intercultural communications
as it applys to the development of closer economic ties in the International arena, and of course, the various alumni of
those who have completed College and University degrees.
This is the high profile apeakers bureau of experts
who acknowledge he importance of intercultural communications in addition to their careers, idustry, business, and services.
Sign on today according to what your scale of costs and perdiem considerations.
We take 15 ~ 30 % Commissions.
Starting fees --- $ 5,000.00 nothing less:
Needed are top professionals and academics for a Speakers Bureau:
The areas needed are covered with this website as to subject knowledge requested:

We will organize your very own InterCultural
Communications Conference:
For many is often too time consuming, and too costly for those who do
not have the experience.
It is the development of location, funds for partial payment
of the cost of accommodations, along with per-diem cost for the leading speakers and moderators
- plus the International food being served which needs such subsidy costs factors.
$5,000 [ mostly on - campus ] to $25,000
plus....[ mostly off - campus ]

~ Cross Webbing ~
The combination of these speicalized webing arrangement of sites are to give focus, and a training manual
text in developing Intercultural Communications Internet Network, and the basis of its development, Cultural Democracy.
This adds a unique supportive feature in the additional developement of the Inter - Cities Cultural Communications Program
initiated by Mr. Roger M. Christian.
Join " Our " International InterCutlrual Communications Forum and make a real significant difference. .

InterCultural Communications Programs:
International International Communications: There a several aspects in shared human experiences, and the aspiration they contain which bond a people to a culture
and behavior. The ongoing process of development contained within this website sequencing of websites are to give bench
marks of what is entailed in various culture's and nation's experience.
InterCultrual Communications: There is a process in how to examine then promote basic features of the full cultural experience. This website
is an interactive education - orientation process which likewise enlist additonal information by each participant of there
own efforts of personal discoveries; thus will add them according to the value of the information being provided.
International InterCultural Communications and International Students / Scholars role finctions. Here within this WebSite footer you will see several links which are connected to the major website
with InterCultural Communications are it subject matter, as well as in its promotions within the Internet. This has
now proved to most effective, as you are now see thins as a result of earned google dot com rankings.
Classical Art Slide Show
Academia ~ International Students Scholars News:
International Students / Scholars Network .
Campus Network ~ International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement :
