Networks To Empower U.S. Latinos To Register To Vote for the 2008 Presidential Election in Partnership with
Rock The Vote, Democracia USA, US Hispanic Leadership Institute and League of United Latin American Citizens.
A bridge has been developed in the United States which also affects South America through Telemundo's South
American networks- as per the following report. RMC editor's comment for the inclusion of this
Telemundo, a leading producer of innovative and high-quality content for Hispanics worldwide, and mun2, the
preeminent voice for Latino youth, announced today the launch of “Vota Por Tu Futuro” – “Vote 4 UR
Future,” the networks’ national non-partisan Hispanic voter registration campaign. The campaign details were unveiled
today at an event held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
The mission of “Vota Por Tu Futuro” – “Vote 4 UR Future” is to increase the
number of Hispanic voters by educating, registering and inspiring Hispanics to exercise their power and voice through voting
in the upcoming 2008 presidential election. In a strategic approach to reach U.S. Hispanics, Telemundo and mun2 will embark
in a first-ever media driven campaign to implement a multi-platform initiative through broadcast, cable and the Internet.
Through its cable network, mun2, “Vote 4 UR Future” will focus on motivating and mobilizing young Latinos in the
U.S., who constitute the fastest-growing segment within the Nation’s Hispanic community.
“As a leader in Hispanic media, Telemundo recognizes the importance and impact U.S. Hispanics including
our Latino youth, play in this country and the great potential they have to influence the upcoming Presidential election,”
said Don Browne, President, Telemundo. “Telemundo and mun2, along with our partners, are proud to be a part of empowering
and mobilizing our community to play a decisive role in the political process.”
At today’s event, the network unveiled research findings on how political Spanish-language ads and Spanish
media impact U.S. Hispanic voter trends. The study, conducted by Telemundo in major-Hispanic markets as well as key-political
battlefields, such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami and Denver, tested a total of 600 Spanish dominant. Highlights
of the findings show that two-thirds (69%) of U.S. Hispanics ages 18-49 trust television as their ultimate media source for
obtaining information on the presidential election. Further information shows that the majority of Hispanics (70%) are in
favor of the presidential candidates communicating with them in Spanish. Respondents also indicated they are more likely to
register to vote upon seeing Spanish-language PSAs versus English-language PSAs. These results were more pronounced in major
Hispanic markets namely New York, Chicago, Las Vegas and Denver.
In support of the campaign, Telemundo and mun2 have partnered with leading organizations Rock the Vote, Democracia
USA, the U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute and League of United Latin American Citizens. The collaborative efforts of all
involved will be implemented through a variety of local events including, town halls, open forums and online polling, among
many others.
Campaign Highlights Include:
Telemundo’s PSA campaign features the network’s top news and sports talent including Pedro Sevcec,
Maria Celeste Arraras, Maria Antonieta Collins, Jose Diaz-Balart, Mauricio Zeilic, Andres Cantor and Jessi Losada.
The network’s programs including Cada Dia, Al Rojo Vivo, Noticiero Telemundo ,Primera Hora and Titulares
Telemundo will all integrate voter registration information into their programs through celebrities, professional athletes
and politicians.
mun2 will feature weekly integrations and in-show mentions of the voter registration campaign within its programs
including Vivo, One Nation Under Hip Hop, The mun2 Shift and 18 & Over. The network will also air originally-created promos
and vignettes featuring network talent Yasmin Deliz, Crash, Renato Lopez and Frankie Needles. In addition, mun2’s fully-interactive
website and bicultural youth portal will include editorial posts on campaign-related issues that affect Latino youth and allow
visitors to register to vote at www.holamun2.com/vote.
Telemundo owned and operated stations and affiliates will include “Vota Por Tu Futura” political
reporting in local newscasts from September 2007-November 2008 as well as run PSAs featuring local news talent to complement
the network campaign. Stations will also conduct local town hall meetings throughout 2008 leading up to the election. Each
station will also provide information through its local website with links to Yahoo!Telemundo and its partners.
Yahoo! Telemundo will provide online support to the initiative through various efforts including conducting
online polls on issues that are important to Latino voters, offering educational material on the democratic and registration
process and providing links to partner sites. Visitors will be able to register at www.yahootelemundo.com/votaportufuturo
Telemundo, mun2 and its partners will coordinate various grass-roots marketing efforts through local consumer
About Telemundo: Telemundo, a U.S. Spanish-language television network, is the essential entertainment,
news, and sports source for Hispanics. Broadcasting unique national and local programming for the fastest-growing segment
of the U.S. population, Telemundo reaches 93% of U.S. Hispanic viewers in 142 markets through its 16 owned-and-operated stations,
36 broadcast affiliates, and nearly 700 cable affiliates. Telemundo is wholly owned by NBC Universal, one of the world's leading
media and entertainment companies.
About mun2: mun2 is the preeminent voice for Latino youth in America. Launched in 2001 as the first national
cable network to offer bilingual programming for young U.S. Latinos, the multiplatform youth entertainment network offers
authentic content that reflects the lifestyle of this fast-growing segment of the population with original, relevant and cutting-edge
programs in proven genres including music, movies, sports, fashion, and social activism. The network, which reflects emerging
trends in all areas of pop and youth culture that are endorsed by its bicultural audience, is available nationwide on digital
and analog cable, and satellite and free television. mun2 is distributed to nearly 17 million U.S. TV households. The network
is part of Telemundo Cable Networks, a division of NBC Universal Cable Networks.
About Rock the Vote Rock the Vote, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization founded in 1990 in response to
a wave of attacks on freedom of speech and artistic expression, coordinates voter registration drives, get out the vote events,
and voter education efforts -- all with the intention of building political power for our nation's youth and leveraging that
political power to influence change in our country. Rock the Vote engages youth in the political process by incorporating
the entertainment community and youth culture into its activities. From actors to musicians, comedians to athletes, Rock the
Vote harnesses cutting-edge trends make political participation cool. Our work doesn't end when the polls close. We empower
young people to create change in their communities and take action on the issues they care about.
About Democracia USA Democracia U.S.A. (DUSA) is a national non-partisan Hispanic civic engagement program
that seeks to increase the prominence and participation of Hispanics in the American democratic process through Empowerment,
Leadership Training, and Civic Participation. DUSA also empowers Hispanics by increasing their participation in the electoral
process and registering them as voters, educating them in a non-partisan way about important issues at stake and motivating
them to vote on Election Day. Additionally, Democracia U.S.A. develops Hispanic leaders across America by teaching important
leadership skills that they can use to champion causes and issues for the benefit of their respective communities. Finally,
Democracia U.S.A. promotes greater civic participation by educating Hispanics about the American political process and encouraging
them to participate within it as a means to improve their quality of life.
About U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute Since 1982, the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute, USHLI
has been cultivating Hispanic Leadership all across the country and has developed into one of the most powerful, nationally
and internationally recognized Latino non-profit organizations in the country by organizing and conducting nonpartisan voter
registration and leadership development programs in 40 states. USHLI has registered more than 2.1 million voters since its
inception. USHLI has been able to maintain a stable presence in hundreds of communities over the years by promoting empowerment
and civic responsibility. USHLI’s mission is to fulfill the promises and principles of democracy by empowering minorities
and similarly disenfranchised groups and by maximizing civic awareness and participation in the electoral process.
About League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) The League of United Latin American Citizens, the
oldest and largest Hispanic membership organization in the country, advances the economic conditions, educational attainment,
political influence, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than
700 LULAC councils nation.
Dr. Maria C. Andre of the Hope College Spanish faculty is editor of "Seven Plays by Argentine Playwright Susana
Torres Molina," an anthology published by Edwin Mellen Press of Lewiston, N.Y., and Ceredigion, United Kingdom.
The volume translates the seven contemporary plays to English from their original Spanish. The plays that are featured
are "Strange Toy," "That's All That," "Mystic Union," "Sirens' Song," "Paradises Lost," "Zero" and "She."
In addition to serving as editor, Andre wrote the anthology's introduction and also conducted an interview with Molina,
who is an actress as well as a playwright, that is featured in the volume. Andre also translated six of the seven plays,
with "Strange Toy" having been translated previously by Dr. Barbara Younoszai, who is a professor of Spanish and Latin American
studies at Hamline University of St. Paul, Minn.
Jean Graham-Jones of the faculty of The City University of New York has called the anthology "a collection of plays whose
translation into English is long overdue. The collected works take some of their inspiration from the author's immediate
lived experiences, but, with the able assistance of the translators, they easily make the linguistic and cultural move to
the English-speaking stage."
The book is Andre's second with Edwin Mellen Press. She is also the editor of "Chicanas and Latin American Women
Writers: Exploring the Realm of the Kitchen as a Self-Empowering Site," published in 2001.
Her publications also include the book "Latina Icons: Iconos Femeninos Latinos e hispanoamericanos," which she edited,
published by Floricanto Press of Mountain View, Calif.;"Entre mujeres: Colaboraciones, influencias e intertextualidades en
la literatura y el arte latinoamericanos" ("Between Women: Collaborations, Influences and Intertextualities in the Literature
and Art of Latin Americans"), co-authored with Dr. Patricia Rubio and published by Editorial RIL of Santiago, Chile; and the
"Antologia de Escritoras Argentinas Contemporaneas" ("Anthology of Contemporary Argentine Authors"), which she edited, published
by Editorial Biblos of Buenos Aires.
Andre is an associate professor of Spanish at Hope, where she has been a member of the faculty since 1994. She holds her
undergraduate degree from the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and her doctorate from the State University
of New York at Albany.

Carbon-free fruit |
Latin America: News in brief – Latin America October 2007
The big business ethics issues in Latin America this month
Carbon on the dole
Dole Food plans to make its supply chain for Costa Rican bananas
and pineapples entirely carbon-neutral. The US fruit and vegetables company signed an agreement with the state-run
National Forestry Financing Fund to introduce more efficient production and transportation methods. The project also entails
an offsetting element, through reforestation. Dole aims to be carbon-neutral in all its global operations by 2021.
Banco Amigo, a newly established Mexican microfinance bank, has received a $7.1 million equity investment
from the International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of the World Bank, to expand its operations. Banco Amigo
provides financing specifically for low-income entrepreneurs and women-owned small businesses. There are currently 23 IFC-backed
microfinance companies in the region. Collectively they provide credit and deposit services for some 1.5 million entrepreneurs
in eight countries.

The National Ballet of Cuba constitutes one of the most prestigious dance companies of the world and prominently ranks
in contemporary Hispano American Culture The technical-artistic rigor of its dancers and and its choreographer´s wide and
diverse aesthetical conception, confer to this institution an outstanding place among the greatest of its kind on international
stage. The company was settled in 1948 being Alicia Alonso its leading dancer and its very first figure. In 1950 is
created the Escuela Nacional de Ballet Alicia Alonso (Alicia Alonso National Shool of Ballet) adjunct to the professional
company. From their earliest stages its artistic line arised from respect to romantic and classic tradition, stimulating,
at the same time, creative work of choreographers who followed a national and contemporary search line. Already in
this early stage, the setting up of full versions of lassics like Giselle, The Swans´Lake or Coppelia, was acompanied by works
from the renovating movement of Diághilev´s Russian Ballets such as Petrushka or the Faun´s Nap: and ballets by Cuban choreographers
such as Fiesta negra (Black Fiesta), Sóngoro cosongo, Concerto and Sombras (Shadows), among others. Triumph of 1959
Revolution became a milestone for a new stage on Cuban ballet. That year,the National Ballet of Cuba is arranged as part of
a new cultural program. Since then it has being developing continually by increasing its repertoire and promoting development
of new dancers, choreographers, professors and creators among other art expressions related to dance such as : visual arts
and music. Togehter with perfectioning Cuban traditional repertory, a vigorous choreographic movement with works within the
most significant achievements of contemporary choreography has been encouraged. Besides its intense activity in Cuba,
where it has successfully projected its art a popular level the National Ballet of Cuba yearly develops a program of international
tournees which takes it to different countries of Europe, Asia and America. Important awards, such as the Grand Prix de la
Ville de Paris and the "Félix Varela" National Order from the Republic of Cuba join to the acclamation by the most outstanding
representatives of the specializad criticism and to the awards won by their artists, both individually, as well as international
contests and festivals. The National Ballet of Cuba is the highest expression of the Cuban School of Ballet, which
based upon the cultural legacy provided by several enturies of tradition on theatre dance, has reached its own phisiognomy
in which this heritage melts with Cuban culture essential features.
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