Entertainment and Recreation

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Welcome to the avant garde!

Simple beauty is not only placid, but also hard to fake.  Moreover, cheap imitations are always present.  But one simple photo can tell us alot..
The title, Entertainment and Recreation is applied directly to connection between the realm of art, and the celebration of physical activities.  And there are connections,  It is for that reason why art is used to tell how and why?

See Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC - Art Gallery - Galleries, Artists, and Art Studios Guide [ WebSite ] for further information/

It is upon an emtional canvas where both an internal creative will, and dreamscapes of how reality could be visualized which cause the artists of the 19th century to go beyond the boundaries of trying to paint what they saw.  Instead, especially after acknowledging the painting of the Rouen Cathedral, when innovations and creativity became clearly established components of the art world, they sought to find new, and then even newer limits to cross. And indeed they crossed several.  But, nonetheless, and at the sametime they expanded the frontiers of democracy, as their art led the way ' for ' new social, cultural, spiritual, and political visions.  They are still pushing the very frontiers of human art perceptions today.  This fostered the immediate need for social reforms.  Especially, when those who took up the brush found themselves wanting for bare necessities-often causing many to loose their middle class stations in life as a result of their art adventures.  They became pooer for their passions to express ----why?  And it is here, and here alone, when the du Avant Garde becomes the democractic practicum. Thus an important connection between art and public policy developement was their embraced  passions during the social struggles of the early and mid twentieth century.
Additional aspects of painting can be found in the Paintings WebPage of the Arts and Entertainment WebSite.

du ' Avant Garde Get - Togethers Network  [  WebSite  ]


The full measure of dedication is how you present yourself as well as market yourself; this has pushed many in several unique adventures, and paths of personal explorations.

On this site - directory you'll find information about individual efforts in promoting themselves, the arts,  activities and perceptual innovations, along with descriptions of our special  personal achievements. It your hopes in being positive where you will find all of the information you are looking for about a successful life.
Lastly, with the advent of the feminist revolution during the last half of the 20th century, most recently the cultural, social, and spiritual revolutions are now being socioeconomically implace within American society.  There is a growing diverse network of women discovering the various uniqueness they have, and have since the early 90s initiated the first sub-cultural components, along with their unique traditions of establishment.  In looking at the full picture of what has happened is that women are united in common emergency issues, but are becoming less united in others.  There has been one very sad note though, is that women are now victimizing~humiliating other women: and thus, very much like the infra-cultural of men who developed physical dominance power columns, in which victimization and humiliation is used as tools of power, a similar column is now growing within the infra-cultrue of women.

The Feminist Revolution taking a sensual route ?
Increasingly women have been finding it safe for self-expressionalist ideas about themselves, their bodies, and their sensualities.  Bi -Sexuality for females are on the increase too ! ...as the search for tenderness and inner freedom of exploration of feelings mounts with increased emotional expectations, while anxieties about men are now becoming more complex.  Men are having a hard time in this supply column, but are looking for a way to meet such expectations at the sametime.

Beauty, Energy and most of all Focus takes a - lot of work, even for those who you will think has it made.  Her beauty is something she had to work for, and her body a symbol of her pride.Thus sclupting for beauty became a part of this movement too.  See Academia ~ Academic Insitutiions of Higher Education and Research Creative Associations WebPage .

The Sensual Revolution

A point in which alot of professional choreographers dream about.  For the Dancer ~Imagine what it would look like if their lines were extended. For the Artist.  This is perfect they way it is!


In a classical stretch, Artist photograpaher Sascha Huttenhain caught the essence of the rigors that goes into becoming a ballet dancer or star.  See her dance photos [ WebPage ]. Both the image and work of art at the sametime. Once you star to understand the responsiabilities which applied to being mature then further exploration into sensuality is then possible.

Physical Sculpting.


Beauty, Energy and most of all Focus takes a - lot of work, even for those who you will think has it made.  Her beauty is something she had to work for, and her body a symbol of her pride.Thus sclupting for beauty became a part of this movement too.  See Academia ~ Academic Insitutiions of Higher Education and Research Creative Associations WebPage .

University / college Network:
Cornell University  [  ]   Ithaca College   [  ]

Here we may display a picture of this month's special:


The Avant Garde also extends into political movements for the human visions of equalities [ note the plural ].

Tri - Falcon and Dove  Productions 
B - 104 University Park Apartments,
87 Uptown Road,
Ithaca, New York 14850 

Temporary (607) 279-9945
Or e-mail:

Mr. Roger M. Christian

Destination Cities :
Alexandria Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Athens Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Atlanta Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Baghdad Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Baltimore Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Beijing NIght LIfe ( NightLife ), RMC
Berlin Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Binghamton Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Buffalo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Chicago Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Copenhagen Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Cortland Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Dallas Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Elmira Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Gdansk Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY
Kiev Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
London Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Los Angeles Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Madrid Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
The City of Miami and Miami Beach Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Montreal Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Moscow Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Nanking Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
New York City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Niarobi Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Oslo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Paris Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Prague Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Rochester Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Rome Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Shanghai Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Syracuse Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Syre Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Tel Aviv Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Tokyo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Toronto Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Washington Night Life (NightLife ), RMC

Here are a set of photos which are linked to blogs to give advid testimony of the growing sensual revolutions.  There are now several and they are branching out in different creative behaviors.  Thus creating some of the most surprising eye candy yet!



Here body art, tattooing and body sculpting are all at play here in these series of real living and breathing art creative photos.  Ask yourselves these questions.
What would the ancient Roman's say?
Would the be jealous of our recent efforts?
Then what about the ancient Greeks?
Then you start to come to terms of this new age, and the additional aspect of the free space which is increasing becoming available within the InterNet.  We are just beginning.





New Fashions


During this age of post feminism European Fashion designers are pushing the extreme limits - envelope by introducing topless and other taboos fashion designs on the leading fashion run ways in Paris, Milian, Madrid, and others. Moreover, there is an opposite movement in the retros in which the thing is to out do the designers of the 40s and 50s.

This is in reaction of a growing shift in the nightlife in key European cities in which women are finding safer environments from which to find personal release, social experimentations, and as a result topless fashions are gowing. In Paris, Berlin, Bonn, Caan, and Madrid free open tops of early 2004 have given way to mild see throughs, the shear look, topless causuals personally crafted since the hot summer of 2008. Moreover, increasingly at more and more plush private parities given by the Euro Dollar - Nouvea Riche, the topless look is growing faster. All reflect both growing safety women are now experiencing, and the implications and self-realization of ones own rights personal taste and social fantasies. European designers who are trying the catch up to what is still an unknown growing market reality. Increasingly, the binding of bra straps, and the constant irritations felt in sudden body turns during social dancing, especially in the new moves coming out of the Hip Hop culture is suddenly loss by the freedom now being opted for.

In one email, Rene Litz from Caan commented " That women covering their tops were really not natural for a womyn's body. It was a condition impossed by males who feared women assuming power during the early development of European civiliations which sought her exploitation. She has always questioned in her life. Why the part that produced human milk for innocent children? ."

With this in mind, a really discussion needs to be look at and properly reacted to. It has started - largely away from the campus cultural wars and it is centered on InterNet forums and nightlife socialite "female that is "leaders. The key factor of which is the social movements developed by every University and College activist feminist group who pushed the Take Back the Night Campaigns both and off their respected campuses. Especially at the Unversity of Rochester's Feminst's Coalitions, when the success of this campaign during the 1970s triggered topless yearly demonstrations in down town Rochester to promote legislation in Albany to allow women who so chose can go topless-which was subsequently passed. There is a proposal for a parade now being discussed.

The one time increasing incidents of sexual assault and rape closely and academically examined in depth during the 70s and 80s made a dramatic down turn since the late 90s. Howover, though similar trends ocurred in Eruope, Anmerican women did not respond in the same manner as did the Europeans. All of which caused the need to fully examine this aspect, in as much as style and fashions are outward expressions of the social and cultural conditions which exist in ones time and era.

The website
Fashions Trendsetters / Trend Setters was specifically developed and put together to gain wider attention, and this forum is where the answers should be examined. I once trought of developing my own forum, but instead I found this one which already existed.

What should be looked at from my point of view is simple this.

Is the nightlife coming up to par with the early feminist aspirations which created The Take Back The Night campaigns of the 70s ?

As per the course Introduction to Womyn Studies, State University College at Buffalo, the resolve that a womyn's breast is not a sex object, why we still have this puritanical point of view while Europe in increasingly rejecting this ?

What are the clear implications to creative style features in American fashions once some of the base issues become clearer? And more impportantly, which American city is going to take the first step ?

All the while this is going on why are retros assuming a permenant and at times growing marketing nitches?

Lastly, in the past advant of AID's destroying the leadership of American fashions during the 1980 - 1990, quess who is filling in the void, and where did they get their initial experiences ? Victoria Secret ? Wicked Fashions ?

With the once dominate Europeans now being overshaddowed by Asian dominance, especially from Tokyo, and the growing power of MySpace.com and other groups related groups and blogs, we are on the verge of new era of fashion who are smiliarly looking at these issues. They plus other monitored internet groups, especially those sponsored by MSN, and Yahoo for free cl;early indicates a growing shift to what the Europeans are doing. In addition. in every advocate rape and sexual program nation wide, " What a women wears is not any grounds for violation, or any question concerning her integrity, but is solely her own right to do so." Anti - Rape Task Force, State University of New York at Buffalio, University of Buffalo. These two elements are converging and is it how and when which the more serious discussions show be focused. Also, and reports which are trace'able concerning this topic should likewise be added.

Mr. Roger M. Christian

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Tri - Falcon and Dove Productions * 103 West Seneca, Suite 206A * Ithaca * NY * 14850

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Du Avant Garde Matix

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