InterCultural Communications

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Critical Path Methods and its International applications and resulting
geopolitical discourse.
The development of the Critical Path Method came about during the years of the OSS during WWII.  The OSS was the intellegence group which later bacame the CIA.
In cobatting German Intellegence, the OSS noted a clear methodolgy used by the German to obtain information thought guarded.  This OSS had to reorganize itself to develop counter methods, but at the sametime develop a better program to get information.  And there it did.
Then after the report, General Donnovan and the Dulles Brothers [ one Senator, and one Intellegence ] knew they had to rework the OSS, and that meant an entire new organizations.  The reason is that analysis was discovered to take unexpected time and investments to discover an initial point in which an event was to occur, as well as what brought or created the development for this event to happen or will happen.  The process later became know as The Critical Path Method.
The International Geophysical Year of 1957.
The program of pure Intellegence Gold.
During the 50s major investments flowed into several major industrial coporations to fill in the production gap left by vacume in the drastic reduction in  producing war machinery-WWII.  Additional and at time rare minerals and crystals were needed, and the information the United States had on global natural resources was very much like a very bad rumor. 
In a meeting are in other communications, no one knows for sure, these three came up with the idea for the world celebrating the peace.    In the analysis element, and with the present team fully aware how the Historic Luck Strikes Cigerrett Advertising Campaign became successful during the years of 1919, and 1920, look at on how to entice other's egos into contributing the needed intellegence on what resources they.  All under the banner of national and ethnic pride, and the political leadership at this time not having the education, nor experience  necessary to become aware of what was going to happen ran full force into the center of the programs operations.
What caught all three by surprise is that the Soviet Sphere of Nations likewise fell into the operations of this program.  Stalin had medical problems at this time, and everyone knew that political change was just over the horizon after it expected death and soon too!
As a result, American agents where likewise found it easier to inflitrated the just labled " Iron Curtain "under the cover and operations of the International Geophysical Year of 1957.  Suddenly a great store of files were being accumiliated, and with the recent hires of personnel with graduate degree, the structure of Critical Path development took on more of an Intellectual Maze in which analysis caused other questions, and thereby need information to close an analysis.  This meant the organization need to radically expand its staff base.
Other operations were likewise attached, none the less, several seminars where planned then excuted, as well as conferences.  Emphasis was always on get the deligates to these events both well photoed, fed, and well treated.  Money was very loose too!  Coporate America was likewise investing when some needed money was needed immediately.
Then as the approach of the year 1957 additional and new International tensions were also approaching this date.  Conferences was called and organized, and as result the wealth of informationtook everyone by surprise.  Many were lost for words on the level of cooperations they were given.  Even in the more security anxious Eastern Block Soviet Nations, the information was at time shocking.
Then as additional information assestments and transfers were being ordered to copied and sent to groups liek GM Motors [ the name they use today ], and during the events leading up to this year, and while everyone was in the best of moods created by the handlers of this program, intellegence agents in mass followed up and got mostly what their bosses wanted/Needed.  The ruse was sprung, and it was not till 1978 that this and other aspectds became knwon by leading academics.
Then in the middle of the celebrations severals foreign leaders and their deigates sign on the contracts to their new friends , the Americans.  All this was envisioned.  Those nations which had what American wanted signed it off  

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Tri - Falcon and Dove Productions * 103 West Seneca, Suite 206A * Ithaca * NY * USA * 14850


~ Cross Webbing ~
The combination of these speicalized webing arrangement of sites are to give focus, and a training manual text in developing Intercultural Communications Internet Network, and the basis of its development, Cultural Democracy.  This adds a unique supportive feature in the additional developement of the Inter - Cities Cultural Communications Program initiated by Mr. Roger M. Christian.


Index.  Arts, Crafts, and Cultural Representations ~ .Seminars on InterCultural Communications ~   .  Articles and Essays on InterCultural Communications ~ Music and Musical Expression on International Diversities ~ .  Historic Folkways ~ .Dance and Formal Folkways of Choreography ~  Fashions, Fashions as Social Icons and National Folkways ~  Childreaing Techniques ~  International Industrial Features ~  Articles on Inductrial Green Development ~ Inter - City Cultural Communications and the Internet Seminars ~  Inter - City Cultural Communications Articles and Easys ~  The Folkways of Diet and Internation Foods and Tasting ~  America's Role in Intercultural Communications ~  The Natural Enviornment ~  Environment " Important News Features Report"  ~   UC Santa CruzNational Cultural Resources ~  Email Cultural Grids ( Those with Spam Protection ) ~  Speakers Bureau ~ Links Page ~ Links Exchange Porgram ~

International InterCultural Communications and International Students / Scholars role finctions.  Here within this WebSite footer you will see several links which are connected to the major website with InterCultural Communications are it subject matter, as well as in its promotions within the Internet.  This has now proved to most effective, as you are now see thins as a result of earned google dot com rankings.
None the less, the determinates in how to translate the central them of Intercultural Communications are now determined within the scope of the definitions of what is InterCultrual Communications, InterCultural Communications and the Internet, what is InterCultural Communications to function or to be promoted as, why it should be emploted within every major academic institutions, and why it is important: Conflict Preventioning.

Campus Network ~ International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement  :
Buffalo State College ~  Students / Scholars ~ Cornell University ~  Students / Scholars ~ Cortland Unversity ~ Students / Scholars ~ Ithaca College Students / Scholars ~  University of Binghamton ~ Students / Scholars ~ University of Buffalo ~ Students / Scholars ~

InterCultural Communications - Conflict Preventioning WebSite - through the conflcit preventioning program, the International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement and the associated Policy Statement which brings it to focus through the frames WebSite presentation.  The Central Thesis.

InterCultural Communications Programs:
International International Communications:  There a several aspects in shared human experiences, and the aspiration they contain which bond a people to a culture and behavior.  The ongoing process of development contained within this website sequencing of websites are to give bench marks of what is entailed in various culture's and nation's experience.
InterCultrual Communications:  There is process in how to examine then promote basic features of the full cultural experience.  This website is an interactive education - orientation process which likewise enlist additonal information by each participant of there own efforts of personal discoveries; thus will add them according to the value of the information being provided.

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