This website attempt to offer a critical perspective on current theory and research in intercultural communication.
In particular, I will focus on the growing fields of scholarship in cultural studies, critical theory, and multiculturalism,
addressing this scholarship from a communication-as-discourse oriented perspective. What I mean by a "communication-as-discourse"
perspective is that we will treat "communication" as an organic social phenomenon rather than as a static phenomenon of individual
interaction. While I am well aware of a tradition of scholarship in intercultural communication which emphasizes the interpersonal
interaction, this seminar offers itself as a critique of that tradition. We all should emphasize self - questions and
practices of "diversity" (especially involving race, class, gender, and sexuality) as they manifest in local and global contexts
in the United States. The principle objective is to develop a politically informed and self-reflexive praxis in the service
of reframing the study of intercultural communication.
This an open format of course I be searching for addtional comments, presentation, response, and discussion
from the Internet and respective groups. My comments will introduce and situate the readings, interpreting key issues in the
conversation and outlining theories of culture that develop therein. Each student / scholar who participates in developing
either a National cultural fiesta, or International cultural fiesta should have the aspiration to take on - going recorded
responses during the events palnned./ Analyzing the set of records and making additional modifications in future planning
will put off arguments which t intervenes with both vision and creativity, and enlight the field of academic conversation
as a result. Additionally, students / scholars should self impose more responsiabilties in all future subsequent event planning.
The previous sites indicates the nature of the planning itself, and I will make a theoretical and alert you to be
prepared to do critical intervention in the field of intercultural communication. We should expect some light
- heartedness to address some of the key theoretical issues that arise during each semester, as well as to involve
critical readings of a text, event, or issue in the student's own area of research interest in others who are likewise involved
with own events palnning. These experience should eventuallyl be presented in a mini-conference which will be scheduled
near the end of each academic cycle.