Major Universities:
Moscow University
Moscow State University
Lomonosove - Moscow State University: Still a University in Great
changes and new leadership it is developing for a struggling Russia new leaders. See
[ WebSite ] for details.
Touro Moscow Univrersity - Est. 1991:
Touro is one those insitutions which comes into being by the new business
and sociocultural awareness cuased by becoming more of a demcracy. Moreover, Touro is also a necessity to
help huide the ne economic business class of Russia. See [ WebSite ] for details. Also, touro is alaos a logical extension end result of peoples
who are adjudicating key intellectual and emphircal results of new economic which came about as a result of cultural democracy
triggering economioc growth.
Russia State University for the Humanities:
Russia State University for the Humanities is another extension and result
of the great changes within Russian society. See [ WebSite ] for details.
The Central [ WebSite ] for Cultural Democracy: An INTERNET promotional WebSite to assist in the creation of The Center
for Cultural Democracy - Ithaca, New York. The Academic [ WebSite ] for Cultural Democracy. Cultural Democracy, An Evolving Essay by Roger M. Christian.
Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY Academia, Academic, Cornell University, Ithaca College,
and TC 3 [ WebPage }. The Ithaca Cutlrual Directory [ WebPage ] EuroQuestRMC/Academia [ WebPage ], msnw
Academic Blogs, Bloggers, WebSites, and JournalSites:-