
Academia's role in Intercultural Communications

Arts, Crafts, and Cultural Representations
Seminars on Intercultural Communications
Articles / Essays on Intercultural Communications
Music, and Musical Expressions of International Diversities
Traditional Chinese Music example:
Historic Folkways
Dance and Formal Folkloric forms of Choreographies
Denmark / National Dress and Folkdancing
Fashions, Fashions as Social Icons and National Folkways
Childrearing Techniques
International Industrial Features
Articles on International Industrial Features
Articles on Industrial Green Industrial Development
Inter - City Cultural Communications and the Internet Seminars
Inter - City Cultural Communications Essays and Articles
Human InterCultrual Reflections, Literature, History, and Poetry:
The Folkways of Diet and International Foods, and Food Tastings
Academia's role in Intercultural Communications
The Natural Environment
Environmental " Important News Feature Report."
UC Santa Cruz
National Cultural Resources.
Email Cultural Grids. ( Those with Spam Filters )
Speaker's Bureau:
Intercultural Linkages for World Communications
International / National Cultural Fiesta: Service Links Directory.
International and National Cultural Fiesta: NightLife & Networking and Guides
International Fashionising Directory
International Students / Scholars Campus Directory
Links Exchange Program
Think Differently !
International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement: Blogs, Bloggers, and Journals Directory
InterCultural Communications Directory
Festivals Directory:
Students / Scholars Clubs Directory:
Cultural Fiesta Fashions Directory:
International Students / Scholars Directory:
NightLife International InterCultural Communications Directory:

Instructional Notes:
From Mini Culural Fairs ( National regional Blocks ) to full International Cultural Fiestas.
Introduction:  This is where all the OnLine applications are brought together in this training intreactive-facilitive manual. It was on the College campuses, operating under the field of " IVY's " protective cloak of " academic freedoms " where visiting International Students / Scholars were / are able and at times most willing to develop and participate in these events. 
This and this alone, the protect cloak of " IVY, " caused International Student / Scholars to initiate several Fiestas at several Universities and Colleges:
University of Buffalo, LA University, and was primarly initiated by The State University College at Buffalo.
The Operational Scope of Focus:
Solicit for on campus assests as per the areas convered in this WebSite ( web site ), This is based upon the elements you are looking for: Arts, Crafts, Dance Performance, Fashions, Food Tasting of International Foods, various seminars, and models on InterCultural Communications.
Then depending on your budget the following:
The Mini National Fairs or Fiestas: Mini National Fairs of Fiestas:  These should be organized around four cultural blocks:
African, American ( both South and North ),  Middle East, and Euroean:  This facilitates --- in the oppen --- maket attraction, and helps to discipline your group promoting thiese events. The should be separated by 4 week variables starting in late September.
The International Cultural Fiestas: In he late Spring of each academic year there exist an ethis of high expectations as many are going to graduate.  Relationships which were formed  will now have to a back seat, and the various student governments who wer recently elected are focusing on budgetary allocations; thus this is the prime campus spot.
Here you have these major four ultural departments functioning at night during this event.
Crafts and Art Display :
International Food Tasting:
Classes, and Fashions Shows [ during the afternoon ]:
Performance Gala:
This does not include seminars on InterCultural communications, and Heritage Focus on each assigned unit which should be planned to occur in separate sessions each day of the pre - week before the final International Cultural Fiesta - usually held on a Saturday after 8:30 PM [ end of Havdala ] .

Blog ~ IE.

List your interests, or if you have something unique to offer for an exhibit by registering of the following forums
Member Registration Only Scholars2000
Academia's Role Function in InterCultural Communications  Scholars2000
Registration for Speakers Bureau Scholars2000


Samplings - Resources


During the 1980s I assisted in this organizations efforts as a mentor / resource student.
The International Student Organization has been promoting international awareness at Buffalo State College for over 50 years now. It comprises of over 200 members from over 50 countries worldwide. ISO builds a relaxed, worldly atmosphere and makes possible the blending of global cultures through the events and activities they conduct every year. It creates an environment that offers a unique opportunity for exchange and cultural interaction among all students attending Buffalo State.

ISO sponsors approximately five events every year. Cultural events such as Latin-American and Caribbean Cultural Night, Asian-European Cultural Night and African and Middle East Cultural Night are part of the fall semester. Each event features ethnic food, music, dance, guest speakers, performances by the members of ISO, and sharing of cultural experiences. Our Annual Fiesta, part of the spring semester, is the biggest cultural event of its own kind and has made us very successful spreading internationalism into the Western New York community.


Defining the Terms and Perceptions:
Academic " ... de la avant garde ... '
Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ~ Academia - Academic Institutions of Higher Education & Research: De la Les Avant Garde WebSite which covers the major issues of Les Avant Garde in terms of issues, art, and creative intervention.
M-F 3:30
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T-F 10:30
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M-W 11:30


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© CopyRight (C) 2008 - 2010 Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY OnLine Publications, D.B.A., Ithaca, New York, 14850 - all rights reserved.


~ Cross Webbing ~
The combination of these speicalized webing arrangement of sites are to give focus, and a training manual text in developing Intercultural Communications Internet Network, and the basis of its development, Cultural Democracy.  This adds a unique supportive feature in the additional developement of the Inter - Cities Cultural Communications Program initiated by Mr. Roger M. Christian.

InterCultural Communications Programs:
International International Communications:  There a several aspects in shared human experiences, and the aspiration they contain which bond a people to a culture and behavior.  The ongoing process of development contained within this website sequencing of websites are to give bench marks of what is entailed in various culture's and nation's experience.
InterCultrual Communications:  There is a process in how to examine then promote basic features of the full cultural experience.  This website is an interactive education - orientation process which likewise enlist additonal information by each participant of there own efforts of personal discoveries; thus will add them according to the value of the information being provided.

International Students / Scholars Intercultural Communications Resources :and Promtions
 International Students Scholars Intercultural Communications Resources  African Set of Nations  ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  AsisnSphere of Nations  ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources The State of Alabama  ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The State of Arizona  International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The Sate of Calinfornia  ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The British Commonweath of Canada  - International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources   EuroSphere Host of Nations  - International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The State of Florida  ~ International Students / Scholars Intercultural Communications Resources  The State of Georgia ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources The State of Illinois ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resourcess  The State of Maryland ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The State of Massachusetts ~  International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources The State of Michigan:  ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The State of Nevada  ~  International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The State of New York / Wide  ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The State of Ohio ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  The State of Pennsylvania ~  International Students / Scholar InterCultural Communcations Resources The State of Texas ~  International Students / Scholars InrterCultural Communications Resources  Washington DC, District of Columbia ~ International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Resources  State of Washington  ~ International InterCultural Communications Services -  Who is Mr. Roger M. Christian -  Links Page - Link Exchange Program -

International InterCultural Communications and International Students / Scholars role finctions.  Here within this WebSite footer you will see several links which are connected to the major website with InterCultural Communications are it subject matter, as well as in its promotions within the Internet.  This has now proved to most effective, as you are now see thins as a result of earned google dot com rankings.
None the less, the determinates in how to translate the central them of Intercultural Communications are now determined within the scope of the definitions of what is InterCultrual Communications, InterCultural Communications and the Internet, what is InterCultural Communications to function or to be promoted as, why it should be emploted within every major academic institutions, and why it is important: Conflict Preventioning.

Classical Art Slide Show


News Sources Specifically extracted from various OnLine sources,and solicitted Press Releases  for use and development of The International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement .

Campus Network ~ International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement  :
Buffalo State College ~  Students / Scholars ~ Cornell University ~  Students / Scholars ~ Cortland Unversity ~ Students / Scholars ~ Ithaca College Students / Scholars ~  University of Binghamton ~ Students / Scholars ~ University of Buffalo ~ Students / Scholars ~

InterCultural Communications - Conflict Preventioning WebSite - through the conflcit preventioning program, the International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement and the associated Policy Statement which brings it to focus through the frames WebSite presentation.  The Central Thesis.