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Inter - City Cultural Communications:
By: Mr. Roger M. Christian
InterNet Innovator
Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC: This is the central character, or careful slections of " keywords
" in which an entire network was crreated. The is abaded upon the practical application of " cultural democracy ' which
produce the program---Inter - City Cultural Communications Program between various National and International cities, and
Ithaca, New York.
The " keywords " Night and Life are significant, in as much as, and according to research internet concerns such as Alexa,
are commonally type on the computer keys for Internet searches; the basis is then the market quality oof word usage and selection.
None the less, something else had to be added, and that is to obtain information about what exist on the ground in the various
cities being covered by the developing Internet network.
Spelling Notes:
To prepare, and in the fore-planning of this network emphasis was placed on radicalization of certain letter combinations
of spellings to impact various search engines. Thus use of NightLife [ note the ' L ' instead of 'l' ], or WebSite [ WebSite
should have been web site ].
WebSites :

The Ripple Affect:
Every time you place a WebSite to be published on the Internet a cause and effect relationship is felt throughout
the Internet grid. None the less, and if you get to understand, as I did, the Internet is one radical ' fortran logic
'. Thus the necessary experience is needed to develop informational insourcing, keywords comprehension, and, based on the
analogs associated with spiders, or Internet crawlers, outsourcing in page rankings planned resultant / fore-casting; program-developed
by various Internet search engines and providers. IE. Google, Yahoo, and Alta Vista.
The objective of World-Infostructure's knowledge base is to bring focus to the human dimension of information and communication
technologies in a dynamic world of vested interests. It is designed to provide an overview of the status quo, the development
and the history of the Infosphere as well as to enhance the visibility of issues of public interest that arise in connection
with the emergence of digital media and computer networks. World-Infostructure's research matrix focuses on digitization,
globalization, consolidation, integration, concentration, commercialization, participation, cooperation, innovation, emancipation,
democratization, diversification, convergence and empowerment and is divided into eight main areas:
All World-Infostructure content is cross-linked and supplemented by so-called Index Cards that provide more detailed
information on specific terms and World-Information.Org's Link Base, which is a fast tool for locating independent information
and critical analysis on the web and contains several hundred hand-selected URLs that are accompanied by short descriptions
and categorized by the eight research areas of World-Infostructure. World-Infostructure presents the results of
the research program that has been carried out in connection with World-Information.Org since autumn 1999.
Inter - City Cultural Communications
By Internet Activities Programing.
Using the Altanta Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC

New, Fantastic & Innovative!
Sociocultural Interactive Programs:
A Atlanta Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ~ Community
Cultural - Democratic Initiative.
Participate with others in expanding the social and cultural opportunities of Ithaca. Ithaca Night
Life ( NightLife ), NY ~ Atlanta Social Calendar is now open for you and your organization to post your weekly social events. Moreover, Atlanta Social Get - Togethers forum is where you and others can plan and create your own social group, and socials More importantly, it will allow
you the ability to explore your own leadership potential and set idealistic principles to emerge at the sametime.
In conjunction with this program is Dance Community ~ Atlanta Get - Togethers forum where you can plan and create your own social dance groups and social dances. Here also you can post your weekly
dance socials on Atlanta Social Dance Calendar . Also, to assist you in developing your own social dance group the Dance is Fun in Atlanta forum has been created for you and others to use in the organization of your own independent dance groupe or amatuer
dance troupe.
These processes are offered free'ly and with high internet visability, Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ),
NY is the perfect site for you to launch and plan your own innovative cultural programs. The networking of resources
are available on these webpages to give you the added information you can use in your sociocultural initiatives for Ithaca.
Add stimulating and fascinating events to Atlanta's social calendar, and to meet interesting people as well as encounter the unexpected in your life. Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ),
NY Inter - Cities ( 50 cities up to date ) Cultural Communications Network now includes Les Avant Garde @ Atlanta Les Avant Garde . This gives you the additional opportunities to explore ( off - campus ) social, cultural, and at times spiritual issues
which are at the cutting edge of human frontiers. The Heroic Generation, Pax Fidelis, Arab - Israeli Reconciliation,
The Social Cultural Revolution of Cultural Democracies are but a short list of topics for the year 2006. Start today!
Initiate your own dialouge groups and later on an organization on Les Avant Garde ~ Ithaca Get - Togethers today.
Keeping our nation safe and secured, while at the sametime giving you opportunities to assist in peoples
initiatives for reconciliation is another opportunity. Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC series is the major internet promotional
arm of The Foundation For Arab - Israeli Reconciliation-Atlanta, New York . It is the private sector aspect where you can privately have influences which make this approach uniquely different. Exciting news are forth - coming about this process . FAIR's - Ithaca Get Together forums allows you to initiate discussions forums and seminars on the ethnocentric commonalities which exist between the Israeli
and Arab peoples to occur as public events within Ithaca itself. More to the point, and thus all to the more important, it
will be initiated by your ongoing developing community leadership and not academia's.
When you step back and take a long look, you will be able to see the vision of the Night Life ( NightLife
), RMC Social Interactive Programs are a two way portal through Inter - Cities Cultural Communications. Impacting Ithaca
by your positive actions and be able to see what other communities are also doing is essentailly the heart of cultural democracy. In an addition is the network - The Cultural Democracy Network. The object of which is to increase the social and cultural expectation of the nation as a whole. This also,
insures the intent of this effort, and that is to transform The City of Ithaca in to the Cultural Magnet Destination
City of the Tri - State Region. RMC / Editor
Entertainment and Recreation .
It is upon a canvas where both an internal creative will, and dreamscapes of how reality could be visualized cause
the artist of the 19th century to go beyond the boundaries of trying to paint what they saw. Instead, especially after
the painting of the Rouen Cathedral, when innovations and creativity became clearly established components of the art world,
they sought to find new, and then even newer limits to cross. And indeed, they crossed several. But, nonetheless, and
at the sametime they expanded the frontiers of democracy, as their art led the way to new social, cultural, spiritual, and
political visions. They are still pushing the very frontiers of human art perceptions. This fostered the immediate
need for social reforms. Especially, when those who took up the brush found themselves wanting for bare necessities-often
causing many to loose their middle class stations in life as a result of their art adventures. Thye became pooer for
their pssion to express ----why? And it is here, and here alone, when the Les Avant Garde becomes the democractic precticum.
Thus an important connection between art and public policy developement was their embraced passions during the stuggle
of the early and mid twentieth century. Continue on Entertainment and Recreation " de la Avant Garde ."
The Matrix: This is the ongoing development of the innovative Internet Matrix
Democratic Culture. This involves the carefully developed combination of met tags to links, internet network, appreciation
of the operative crawlers of each search engine to the overall content on each web page being published. The entire
grid is interreated in this aspect and denote a true ethical quality which exist by the pioneers of the Internet. There
is a secret fornula for this.

~ Cross Webbing ~
The combination of these speicalized webing arrangement of sites are to give focus, and a training manual
text in developing Intercultural Communications Internet Network, and the basis of its development, Cultural Democracy.
This adds a unique supportive feature in the additional developement of the Inter - Cities Cultural Communications Program
initiated by Mr. Roger M. Christian.
InterCultural Communications Programs:
International International Communications: There a several aspects in shared human experiences, and the aspiration they contain which bond a people to a culture
and behavior. The ongoing process of development contained within this website sequencing of websites are to give bench
marks of what is entailed in various culture's and nation's experience.
InterCultrual Communications: There is a process in how to examine then promote basic features of the full cultural experience. This website
is an interactive education - orientation process which likewise enlist additonal information by each participant of there
own efforts of personal discoveries; thus will add them according to the value of the information being provided.
International InterCultural Communications and International Students / Scholars role finctions. Here within this WebSite footer you will see several links which are connected to the major website
with InterCultural Communications are it subject matter, as well as in its promotions within the Internet. This has
now proved to most effective, as you are now see thins as a result of earned google dot com rankings.
Classical Art Slide Show

News Sources Specifically extracted from various OnLine
sources,and solicitted Press Releases for use and development of The International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement .
Academia ~ International Students Scholars News:
Campus Network ~ International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement :