Leadership - National - International
Others :

International Cultural Fiesta Movement
Resource Main WebSite - Click on the lovely woman with the black hat!

The City of Ithaca - Art Scene
The city of Ithaca, New York has one of the highest per-capita ratio of Art Galleries, Studios, and Artists when compare
with major urban centers. Moreover, several second floor art studios line the downtown Ithaca Commons. There
is so much art being generated in Ithaca, that the second floor on the Ithaca Commons art studios have overflowed into shops
below. Making the shop, themselves, min art galleries too !

A major academic center.
The City of Ithaca, New York has one the worlds Ivy lLeague institutions of higher education in Cornell University-a
research padagogy University. Keeping with it's musical traditions - roots, Ithaca College pedagogy is a teaching institution.
In addition with both TC@ and Empire State University Ithaca has a divesity of academic institutions to choose ffrom, and
has made the communtiy itslef mover lovely as a result!

The Ntional and International Initiatives in Dance :
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Persian Gulf Veterans | |
This Persian Gulf Veterans website is part of Operation Proud to Serve of Ithaca, New York.
This is to foster easy social and cultural reintegration of returning veterans to Ithaca - Tompkins
county, give support to local service men and women, as well as their families residing within Central New York. Moreover,
it is to assist in the development of additional support networks by promoting more social and cultural opportunities at the
same time | |