Note: All Photos on this WebPage are banner links. So click on them
to get the main WebSite.

Leadership - National - International

The International Cultural Fiesta Movement.
Main resource WebSite. Click on the lovely woman with the black hat.

The city of Ithaca, New York Art Scene
The city of Ithaca, New York has one of the highest per - capita ratio of art galleries,
studios, and artists when compared to major urban centers. Moreover, this aspect is not lost, in as much as several
art second floor art studios linned Ithaca's Commons. So, and interesting enough, art is so plentiful that
even downtown stores has been transformed in decor in to being themselves mini art galleries.

The city of Ithaca, the Academic center of Central New York ( and beyond ).
The city of Ithaca has one of the world class Ivy league Universities in Cornell University. With
Ithaca College, with its teaching qualities, especially in the Musical Art, Ithaca has several concerts too! TC3, a
jounior college, assist in its histroic role in providing equal opportunities for advancement into these and other institutions
of higher education.

National and Intrnational Initiatives in Dance :
Join US ----
Persian Gulf Veterans | |
This Persian Gulf Veterans website is part of Operation Proud to Serve of Ithaca, New York.
This is to foster easy social and cultural reintegration of returning veterans to Ithaca - Tompkins county, give support
to local service men and women, as well as their families residing within Central New York. Moreover, it is to assist
in the development of additional support networks by promoting more social and cultural opportunities at the same time | |