This is a public service initiative of Ithaca Dance Master Roger M. Christian. What is meant
by ' our WebSite' simply means that you, the online community user of Buffalo can participate in what is placed on this Website.
This is what is known as cultural democracy.
Buffalo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC is part of an Inter - City Cultural Communication WebSite
program between the cities of Buffalo, and Ithaca, New York. Moreover, this part of a much larger National and International
intercultural communications INTERNET network of WebSites to include Athens, Atlanta, Berlin, Bignhamton, Buffalo, Chicago,
Copenhagen, Dallas, Elmira, Gdansk, Ithaca, Kiev, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Miami and Miami Beach, Moscow, New York City,
Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome, Syracuse, Toronto, Washington Dc, and 47 other communities' BlogSites.
Events file:
Links file:
OnLine News: