Cultural Records:
Culture : Kenya
Includes performing and visual arts, film, music, museums, theater, folklore. Check sites listed under 'General' for more
information and under 'Search Engines' for more sites. |
Created and maintained by the African & Middle Eastern Division, Collections and Services Directorate |
"Representing the Real" Exploring Appropriations of Hip-Hop Culture in the Internet and Nairobi ( As the title suggests, this student author examines in this
paper the impact of the Hip-Hop music and culture accessible to audiences in Nairobi via the Internet.
Capital FM - 98.4 ( Not just music, this web site for a popular radio station in Nairboi offers news headlines
and links to other sites.
Childs Eye: MYSA Shootback Project ( With funding from the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, in 1997
members of the Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA) were asked to take photographs reflective of their lives and community
and to write brief essays about them. The materials on this site are the result of their efforts. The site describes the Mathare
area as “one of the largest and poorest slums in Africa, with several hundred thousand inhabitants. The majority are
children with few chances or playing fields for sports. Their homes are often surrounded by garbage and waste which cause
diseases that cripple or kill many people.”
Clubs, Discos and Casinos in Mombasa ( Names, addresses and telephone numbers of these types
of entertainments in the Kenyan coastal city of Mombasa. ( From the Electronic Library, searching the by country provides numerous
narrative articles on its history, culture, politics.
Images of Colonial Africa ( These photographs were “taken or gathered by
missionary Laura Collins. The images displayed here are one woman's view, mostly of Kenya, at the beginning of the twentieth
century, probably before 1914. They depict the country's society, customs, economics, and geography, as well as its growing
Christian church, the missionary community assisting in that endeavor, and Collins herself.”
Maasai and Agents of Change ( An amazing collection of documents and photographs depiciting life among the Maasai
people. There are categories to explore such as “rituals and ceremonies.”
Moi University (Eldoret, Kenya) ( In addition to offering the kinds of information one would expect of an university
web site, the researcher will be delighted to discover that as part of the description of the university’s library(the
Margaret Thatcher Library), there is a virtual exhibition of the paintings on permanent display in the library in the Ray
Nestor Gallery described by the site as “The life of a contemporary painter presented in 65 paintings and some local
stories about Kenya.”
National Museums of Kenya. ( In addition to offering the kinds of information one would expect of an university web site,
the researcher will be delighted to discover that as part of the description of the university’s library(the Margaret
Thatcher Library), there is a virtual exhibition of the paintings on permanent display in the library in the Ray Nestor Gallery
described by the site as “The life of a contemporary painter presented in 65 paintings and some local stories about
Open Directory Portal Page on Islam ( The Open Directory Projects portal page on Islam
offers hundreds of citations on various aspects of Islam as practiced around the globe, as well as sites which contain the
complete Arabic and English texts of the Koran.
RecipeSource ( A search by country in RecipeSource, the new website of SOAR: The Searchable Online Archive
of Recipes, yields traditional recipes in English from countries around the world.
Traditional Kenyan Music and Culture ( “Karibuni to the world's only website dedicated to traditional Kenyan
music, and to the internet's largest and most comprehensive resource on traditional Kenyan cultures. With over 500 pages of
text, several hundred images and two hours of full-length soundclips already online...”
United Nations ( The official site of the United Nations provides articles, reports, etc. in several languages on
all aspects of the initiatives and mission of that organization as well as on the contemporary life, culture, society, international
relations, etc. of all the countries and peoples of the world.
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