Madrid Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Madrid NightLife | Madird | Hot Spots NightClubs | Restaurants | Madrid Fashions: | Cultural Articles: | Dance in Madrid | Art Galleries in Madrid | Hotels / Inns / Hostles / Hostels | The City of Ithaca, New York. The Cultural Magnet Destination City | The Center ( Links Page ): | Madrid NightLife: Blogs, Bloggers, and Journals Directory | Madrid NightLife - Fashions Directory: | Traffic Sop Directory: | Madrid NightLife International InterCultural Communications Directory:
Madrid, Night, Life, RMC, Nightlife, Nite, Life, Madrid.

The City of the Later NightLife [ 11 PM ]
Blogs, Bloggers, and Journals: Here you find a better sense of what each community
has to give.
Real Madrid News. Hello people I`m a spanish supporter of the Real Madrid. Welcome to your new space where you can find all new
news in English about the best team of the world.

We're the Future . This is my blog to chronicle my time at The Instituto de Empresa (www.ie.edu)
in Madrid, Spain. I will try to keep it light-hearted and interesting with pictures and stories. Leave a comment or a story.
Important Pick up a copy of the Guía del Ocio located everywhere where tourists
Heng-zi's Penniless Travels . There is a thing that sustains a person longer and better than food sometimes. This thing, can be called by various
names: unsatiable traveller thirst to see all, stupid Task A personality kicking in, awe at seeing new and wondrous sites...or
whatever you want to call it.
Madrid Otoñal |

Martin Crespo |

Madrid is nothing but an alluring escape in its nightlife culture and its inviting warm breezes combine with its urban
zeal for excitment are a delightful introduction by several europeans fleeing the cold of Europe. Lustered under the
gentle rays [ For its against church law for the sun's rays to be harsh over this city. ] of the sun overhead
are several musems willing to open their doors to give artistic rendered and romantic details of Spain's once vast empire,
and courtly intrigues. The open doored churches and synagogues are awsome architectual national symbols their roof reflecting
back the su's gift of appealing warmth. None the less the sun does sets and what you seen before, or heard in the streets
everthing which is Madrid's nightlife is about to erupt in several wild releases - each with a purpose.
That purpose...
However, you will have to wait more than normal to about 11 PM, as diners ares served around 8 to 9 PM.
Madrid nightlife, then is one massive convocation of dancing, its dance halls - tascas - are world renowned and
not just for Flamenco. The nightclubs steaming with drink and pleasures of musical and cabaret acts in Spanish
to heavy metal music moods. The Spanards are never too much into drinking, thus the moods in the various night spots
are more relazed and sober. Very much inspired after Nepolean left this city's cafes has taken up the national challenge
with Paris in who has the menus. Theaters show off their fun like spins of drama, musicals and comedy. All European
noting carefully the domination of Spainish and thus know a few Spanish phrases is a needed G-d send.

| |
Email: ithacafalcon@aol.com |
Madrid Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC is an Inter - Cities Cultural Communications website program between the cities of Marid, Spain, and Ithaca, New York. This is to foster both social and cultural
connections between these two cities, as well as mutual travel.

Roy Llichtenstein de Principio-a-fin |
Madrid is the virtual free festival city. a virtual free festival. Nightlife has grown in to towering arrays of pleasured venues which late at night everyone takes caution when in the deeper darken
areas and alleys.
The NightLife - NightClubs Zones are:
Gran Vía -- Movies houses and little cinemas and theaters. Once finshed vewing their offers ones finds many smalled
streets and alley doted with after hours spots.
Plaza Mayor/Puerta del Sol -- Bar - tavern hopping / tasca crawl is the social craze
in the mostly couched in cuevas (drinking caves) of this traditional visted area of Madrid's nightlife.
Famous is the:
Cava de San Miguel
Cava Alta,
and Cava Baja.
Plaza de Isabel II/Plaza de Oriente -- The restaurant and cafe region of the city.
Chueca -- Along such streets as Hortaleza, Infantas, Barquillo, and San Lucas, Cheap restaurants,
along with a few female striptease joints, are also found here. This area can also be dangerous in the early hours of the
morning, though the customary presence of weekend revelers who throng the streets till around 3am often manages to deter potential
pickpockets and muggers. The reasonably active police presence at night also helps.
Argüelles/Moncloa -- For university students, this part of town sees most of the action. Many dance
clubs are found here, along with ale houses and fast-food joints. The area is bounded by Pintor Rosales, Cea Bermúdez, Bravo
Murillo, San Bernardo, and Conde Duque.

Euro - Quest
Welcome to your web site!
This Website will introduce you the cultural democracy theme and highlight
the exciting and important cultural areas in and around Madrid, Spain at the sametime This is an example of how other European
cities' WebSites have been developed.
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is an on line rental service company of: short, medium, and long term rental. Our Philosophy is to display, rental accommodation
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Hiighly recommended for Students-Scholars. |

As best at it can be Safe Too! |

Pro Israel or Pro Peace ?
Israel Information Center |

Ithaca, New York |
This is a balanced approach to both. What everyone should consider is the importance of the every-day person, who
is not politically involved, but who could have an even greater impact. The focus is how to advance both human knowledge
and understandings based upon ethnocnetric centralities.
Thus to you right you will note Israel Information Center Ithaca, mainly a Cultural Zionism WebSite. In the lower
part of this colored box you will also note the Foundation for Arab Israeli Reconciliation-Ithaca, New York mainly a " High
Expectations WebSite ".
It is here where you start to obtain a focus, or a connection. What is urgently is the human resources to make
a peace work. this clearly establishes the necessities invvolved in the private setor. You will also note I did
not say anything politcal sector. This bring, or it should, wht you can fo to really heklop oio. Please do.
Mr. Roger M. Christian
The Foundation for Arab -Israeli Reconciliation |
Ithaca, New York |
The Central [ WebSite ] " For " Cultural Democarcy: This is an INTERNET to help facilitate the development
of The Center for Cultural Democracy - Ithaca, New York. To those who are not aware of the contemporay term should goto
..Cultural Democracy, An Evolving Essay, by Roger M. Christian
To be an acitive member of this organization you must participate
in the MSN discussion group @ [ MSN GroupSite ].concering those community issue for both Madrid and Spain.
In Addition: The Foundtion
for Arab - Israeli Reconciliation-Ithaca, New York [ Hub - WebSite ], and to join one of the most important MSN Groups @ [ MSN GroupsSite ]. The Israel Information Center Ithaca [ Hub - WebPage ], and to join this MSN Cultural Zionist Group @ [ MSN - GroupSite ] European Sports Network, RMC [ WebPage ]
Supporting Blogs:
Tess's BlogSite |

These two BlogSites gives you various and important sociocultural views. The first, and the picture to your left,
represents the life one Madrid Woman-Tess un Bio-Tess. [ BlogSite - Spaces.MSN ] Enclosed in another Spaces.MSN.Com is a photo slide show. All the pcitures are family oriented too!
Then there is this interesting series. [ BlogSite ]. Then it has an foto / photo album { Photo-BlogSite ]. And then the recommneded browse through the links page [ Links-BlogSite ].From here you should start to get idea of what to look and what more you have to do inoder to have a good time in Madrid.
Especially when you are able to learn Spanish.

Cultural Democracy Network:
MSN Madrid Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC discussion group [ join here ] - this laso puts you on a mailing list too! For overall
reports AOL Hometown Madrid Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ WebSite ]. For those who have Yahoo.com accounts Madrid Night Life
( NightLife ), RMC [ WebSite ]. Join the Focus Discussion Group concerning cultural
Democracy at [ MSN - Groupsite ]

This is a very speical civic pride WebSite program: An Inter - City Cultural Communications WebSite program between the European cities of Athens, Berlin, Copenhagen,
Kiev, London, Madrod, Moscow, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome, and Ithaca, New York. The concept of Euro
- Quest came about by comments about my Ithaca Night Life, NY by a couple students attending Corenll University.
They suggested and wanted someting added in which they have as an online travel resource to plan their Fall and Spring Breaks, as well as their Summers.
Thus, I came up with this concept as a branch of another very similar promotional. The ends of which is to promote The City of Ithaca as The Cultural Magnet Destination City of The Tri State Region of New York,
Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
The New Inter - City Dance Culture:
Festivals in and around Madrid, Spain which adds to its enornmous nightlife.
Fiestas del 2 de Mayo celebration features sports events, music concerts and bullfights. Fiestas de San Isidro
celebrated in the honor of the patron saint of Madrid on May 15th bring smiles to everyone's face. Feria Taurina,
also known as bullfighting fair enjoyed from the mid of May to the mid of June at the very famous Plaza Monumental Las Ventas
The Fiestas de San Lorenzo, San Cayetano and the Virgen de la Paloma are celebrated from 6th August to 15th August
with rituals, sidewalk concerts and dancing. There are various other events and festivals in Madrid that fill the streets
of Travel to Madrid Spain with vibrant colors. These fairs and festivals in Madrid tell about the culture and history of the
capital city.
To Take Flight and Dance |

WebSite |

Dance Cities :
Ballet and Modern Dance Cities ~ Ballroom Dance Cities ~ Belly and Folk Dance Cities ~ Hip Hop and Modern Jazz Dance Cities ~ The Latin / Salsa Dance Cities ~ The Swing Dance Cities.

Banners & Links: To help get the word through out the various search engines and
Text Links:
AOL - Madrid Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ WebSite ] Latina Danza Index [ WebSite ]Miami Danza Index [ WebSite ] City of Miami and Miami Beach Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ WebSite ] Dance 4 America Dance Competitions [ WebPage ]