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The "Legacy" Folk
Dance Ensemble, whose choreographers are Maka vcheishvili and Eka Vacheishvili, was founded in 2003. It enjoys great popularity
in its country. Its performances are often shown on the Georgian TV.
The ensemble's program includes dances from all parts of Georgia which acquaint us with the history,
culture and traditions of the country. The ensemble demonstrates the character, the emotions and good will of the Georgian
The "Legacy" Folk Dance Ensemble has 40 members. All of them are musically talented and in their performance
they reveal the grace and beauty typical of the Georgian folk dances.
The "Legacy" Folklore Ensemble has taken part in international festival in Turkey, Ukrain and Italy.
Director : David Nikolaishvili
Dance Festivals In Athens
Surprises and a lot of promise:
Dance Festival, in Athens until June 22, presents
interesting collaborations, noteworthy young talent
By Sandra Voulgari - Kathimerini
Greek choreographers, despite the difficulties they face, are making their
presence felt once more at the Dance Festival, organized for the fifth year running by the Association of Greek Choreographers,
under the guidance of Petros Gallias. The shows began on May 5 and will run to June 22 at Athens's Roes, Hytirio, Argo, Meli
and Embros theaters.
Some of this year's highlights and surprises include a number of collaborations
between companies (Haris Mandafounis's Contemporary Dance Company with Lila Zafeiropoulou's Eldor, and Myia with the Dancers
of the North), as well as the appearance of Vancouver-based Paraskevas Terzakis's Kinesis group, invited by the Iros Angelos
Dance Theater, and the shows staged by the Angeloskoni company with the participation of disabled persons. There is also pieces
by young choreographers who may not have their own company but who have been given the opportunity to present their work.
Here are some of the groups which are worth noting and which have presented
their programs well in advance:
Haris Mandafounis's collaboration with his former student and dancer, the
current choreographer and artistic director of the Eldor dance company, Lila Zafeiropoulou. The first part, «Blood Wedding,»
is choreographed by Mandafounis and features actress Leda Protopsalti. The second part, Zafeiropoulou's «Folia,» was inspired
by the nature of trees as described in Celtic mythology. Music by Bach, Corelli, Biber, Marais and Ligeti, performed live
by the Ex Silentio ensemble, runs through the entire choreography. It is being staged at the Meli Theater until tomorrow.
Ioanna Parali's Landscape company presents «Missing People,» which she describes
as «a tribute to the earth and to the people no longer considered missing.» According to Parali, the show was inspired by
the destructive earthquake in southeast Asia and the tsunami that followed. The performance is being staged at the Hytirio
Theater also until tomorrow. It has already been performed in Limassol, Cyprus, representing Greece at the Ninth European
Contemporary Dance Festival, and will go to Thessaloniki for the first Balkan Performing Arts Market on June 2.
«Solitaire» is a solo card game that has been transformed into an exploration
of human contact by Ioanna Portolou and the Griffon dance company's latest production (Embros Theater, June 6-9). The company's
successful trio «Fractal» was staged at the Contemporary Dance Platform at the Athens Concert Hall last February and at the
Balkan Dance Platform in Skopje last year; «Action xt» was presented at the Dance Festival in 2005 and then traveled to Liverpool's
Leap Festival before featuring at Athens's Mad Festival.
Iris Karayan's Zeta dance company is relatively new, but its latest production,
«Going Under,» choreographed by Myrto Katsiki and based on Jean Baudrillard's book «The Transparency of Evil,» is very promising.
Shows will take place at the Hytirio Theater May 25 to 28.
On the same days, Sylvia Maki's Synergeio Technon will stage «Earth Creation»
at the Roes Theater. The choreography is the outcome of «Orizon,» staged at the Athens Concert Hall as part of this year's
Dance Platform. According to Maki, it expresses the wish for people to realize their common heritage and join in unity.
Source: http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/news/civ_&xml/&aspKath/civ.asp?fdate=18/05/2006
20th World Congress on Dance Research
"Promotion of diversity"
Greece, 25-29 October 2006
This is the largest gathering of dance specialists world-wide, the best opportunity to showcase
one's work to a wide audience of practitioners, dance teachers, choreographers, researchers, critics and organizers.
attendance is 400 specialists from 40 countries every year. This year we expect 1000 conferees for a grand celebration of
the 20th anniversary, making it by far the largest dance congress ever. Performances will take place at a 3500-seat covered
stadium by the sea built for the 2004 Olympic Games.
All forms of dance are represented. Strictly non-profit. Not to
be confused with festivals, workshops, or open conferences.
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Municipalities
of Athens and Palio Faliro.
The Congress is organized by IOFA Greece and the Dora Stratou Dance Theater, in collaboration
with the International Dance Council CID, UNESCO. Its theme is in accordance with the "Convention on the Protection and Promotion
of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions" adopted on 20 October 2005 by the UNESCO General Conference.
The program includes:
Presentation and discussion of original research reports. Classes, lecture-demonstrations,
video projections, discussions. Performances by selected dance companies. Exhibitions and sales of books,
records, pictures, costumes, accessories etc. Visits to places of special interest, such as dance schools, museums,
sites etc. Evenings where conferees can dance with music by local musicians.
While intended primarily for professionals, it is at the same time a participatory event, facilitating
contacts with colleagues, informal discussions and individual initiative.
Presenting a contribution (research report,
lecture-demonstration, class, performance, exhibition) is optional. Proposals must be sent before 15 September 2006.
To apply for a visa and/or financial assistance, registered participants receive an official letter of confirmation
signed by the President of CID. Please make arrangements as early as possible.
Congress Secretariat: Dora Stratou Dance
Theater, Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens, Greece; tel. (30)210.324.6188, fax (30)210.324.6921 www.cid-unesco.org;president@cid-unesco.org20e Congre`s Mondial de Recherche en Danse
"Promotion de la diversite'"
Athe`nes, Gre`ce,
25-29 octobre 2006
Le 20e`me Congre`s Mondial est organise' par IOFA Gre`ce et le The'a^tre de Danses "Dora Stratou",
en collaboration avec le Conseil International de la Danse CID, UNESCO. Il jouit du patronage du Ministe`re de la Culture,
de la Muicipalite' d'Athe`nes et de la muncicipalite' de Palaio Faliro.
Il est le plus grand e've'nement mondial dans
l'e'tude de la danse, re'unissant tous les ans environ 400 spe'cialistes venant de 40 pays. Cette anne'e, 1000 congressistes
de 50 pays sont attendus pour fe^ter ses 20 ans dans le stade olympique au bord de la mer.
Toutes les formes de danse
y sont repre'sente'es, sur un pied d'e'galite'.
Son the`me est en accord avec la Convention sur la protection et la
promotion de la diversite' des expressions culturelles adopte' le 20 octobre 2005 par la Confe'rence ge'ne'rale de lUNESCO.
programme comporte :
Pre'sentation et discussion de travaux de recherche ine'dits. Enseignement de
danses ou approches originales. Spectacles par des ensembles de danse se'lectionne's. De'monstrations,
projections vide'o, discussions. Visites de lieux d'inte're^t particulier: e'coles de danse, muse'es, compagnies
etc. Soire'es ou` les participants sont eux-me^mes invite's a` danser Expositions-ventes de livres, disques,
photos, costumes, accessoires etc.
Ce congre`s s'adresse principalement a` des professionnels et est en me^me temps
un e've'nement convivial. Son atmosphe`re facilite les discussions informelles et l'initiative individuelle. Les langues de
travail sont l'anglais et le grec. La re'alisation est strictement a` but non-lucratif - aucun des organisateurs n'est re'tribue'.
Les frais de participation sont de 65 euros par personne. Les membres assument leurs frais de voyage et
de se'jour. Il n'y a pas de confe'renciers invite's, ni d'observateurs.
Les travaux de recherche et les propositions
pour confe'rences, pre'sentations, expositions ou spectacles doivent e^tre envoye's par email avant le 15 septembre 2006 afin
d'e^tre approuve's par le Comite' Scientifique.
Dans le but de faciliter l'obtention du visa et/ou le financement du voyage, le Secre'tariat pourra adresser,
sur demande, aux personnes qui le de'sirent une attestation confirmant leur qualite' de membre au CID inscrit a` participer
au Congre`s et a` y pre'senter une communication. Il est conseille' de commencer les de'marches le plus rapidement possible.
du Congre`s: The'a^tre de Danses, 8 rue Scholiou, Plaka, GR-10558 Athe`nes, Te'l. (30)210.324.6188, fax (30)210.324.6921,
www.cid-unesco.org ~ president@cid-unesco.org
Hampshire Daisies
Wednesday Latin / Salsa Social Dances at The G Club located at Dekeleon 26, Gazi, Athens. All
the dancers and frends that appreciate the latin music are welcome to enjoy those many nights the hotest latin flavor. No
cover charge at the door by saying the name HEBER THUNAY for the door person. Call for table
reservation 698 8657441
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