The extraordinary changes in science, technology,
and sociocultural studies over the past few years have been nothing but epic. It is about to bring about a real human
revolution which within its implications and impact upon the human organism is itself evolutionary at the same time.
This again has brought back the need for more indebth and more exacting study of several different academic field of
study on the world wide campuses of today. Moreover, if futher facilitates the urgent need for academic centers of developjng
countries to catch up to the more prestigious Universities and Colleges in both Europe. the United States and Asia.
The United States Field of Graduate Studies
and the typical students who have participated in the various degree programs and research tenur ut has been leading
the development, in research as well as teaching, of the new and lively future development of American industries. In this
several transdisciplinary programs has likewise emerged which benefited coutries ourside the United States. This revolves aroubnd the development of a new faculty core.
In the meantime, several national leaders have now
accepted strong interest in cultural and intellectual history of their own nations to preserve both social and poltical idenity.
T preserve their visions they have acknowleddge the necessity of developing their own unique set of academic institutions
to further support their nations idenity, but at the sametime to promote prosperity among their citizens.
Thus high profile studies such as Nanotechnology,
and Biochemistry are view just as important in establishing a propersity as the supportive studies in Labor, and Production
Managment skills. This established both the manufatoring base and the distribution of both skill labor in conjunction
to distribution of wealth.
What is not fully understood by both the general public,
as well as most academic officals, the means of production within their own countries, and the skill labor now necessary to
bring about a prosperity, and the tax structures which emerges to support the state is now the central ethos in Nation build
in the 21st Century. Once the faculty is generated ti inspire discovery is inserted within an academic setting, and
that it has the research and development impetus for lcal national production of high tech and contemporary goods and services,
then it has created a more formable base in which to secure idenity for those who immmediate benefited in their development.
Thus additional means of support is auto-assumed for local literary theory, gender studies, film, and music as an example. Members of the faculty may also, and some instances
more than likely will affiliated additional programs in Local Ethnological Studies Program, Program of American
Studies, Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, Department of Music, Department of Theatre, Film & Dance, Program
of Cinema Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Program just to name a few.
A Global Academic Critique and Equality represents
the higher road in which academic standards are viewed very much like the competitive spirit exhibited in a Army - Navy Football
contest on nNetwork Television.