Areas of Research |
Neural Plasticity and Memory Formation:
LTP in rodents Learning paradigms Alzheimer's
models Stress
Prof. Mike Stewart Mike Stewart is Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Biological Sciences at the Open University. His group's
main recent research activities have been concerned with investigating morphological correlates of experiential and disease-induced
changes in the mammalian CNS, both in vivo and ex vivo.

3D reconstructions of mitochondria in CA1, CA3 and
dentate gyrus of rat and ground squirrel hippocampus (see Popov V.I., Medvedev, N.I., Davies, H.A., Stewart, M.G. (2005).
Mitochondria Form a Filamentous Reticular Network in Hippocampal Dendrites but Are Present as Discrete Bodies in Axons: A
Three-Dimensional Ultrastructural Study. Journal of Comparative Neurology 492, 50 – 65.)