Recommended for Students-Scholars |

best as it can be Safe Too1 |

The Athens Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC MSN discussion membership
group can be found @ [ MSN - GroupSite ]

International Section:
Here is where you can have and additional impact. One is to provide critical information on those
aspects within Athens itself which can service the budget traveler. Moreover, where are the hangouts for University
students/scholars, and those who are looking budget lodgings. Note: Your suggestion-advise will be check out.
The Central [ WebSite ] " For " Cultural Democracy. An INTERNET tool to develop
the physical organization.." The Center for Cultural Democracy-Ithaca, New York.
This is where those students/scholars from Greece have the means to educate their Co-Americas students-scholars
about recent trends and innovations within Greek society while they are studying or researching at American institutions of
higher education. City's International Students WebSite International and National Cultural Fiesta Movmement. InterCultural Communications WebSite: International and National Cultural Fiesta.
Ceetral New York's only online E-Zine internet publication.
This is not only about dance, but also has link to services to student-scholars who are visiting, studying,
and researching here in The United States-as well as security updates.
Israel Information Center Ithaca |

Pro Israel and Peace at the sametime? Then you should considered a balanced option, and
that means to assist in Arab - Israeli Reconciliations through the private sector and developing stronger human connections-relationships,
while at the sametime avoid the political aspects of this-as much as possible. Here are two WebSites you schould look
at. Remember : " Balanced ." On the right is Israel Information Center Ithaca, and below is The Foundation for
Arab Israeli Reconciliation-Ithaca, New York. This is good place for you to start.
The Foundation for Arab Israeli Reconciliation |

Ithaca, New York |
Why this here ?: Safety in travel is inter-dependent upon the ability
of each society to provide reasonable assurances to in coming quests. Thus, in the real effort to assure this, and in
respect to on-going events, a private effort of individuals should be attempted. Reconciliation is more of a human being
to human private aspect within one's own personality to another persons view, and visa versa. Thus those who know both
the Israelis and Arabs alike should help develop private relationships based upon the strenght of their common ethnocentricities.
This in turn will assist in making your environment more safe.
Additional Yahoo Page Established Yahoo Athens Night Life, RMC [ WebSite ]
In addition:
The Foundation for Arab - Israeli Reconciliation - Ithaca, New York
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