A festival is an event, usually staged by a local community, which centers on some unique aspect of that community.
Among many religions, a feast or festival is a set of celebrations in honour of God or gods. A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable. However, the term "feast" has also entered common secular parlance as a synonym for any large or elaborate meal. When used as in the meaning of a festival, most often refers to a religious festival rather than a film or art festival.
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Festivals in and around Madrid, Spain which adds to its enornmous nightlife.
Fiestas del 2 de Mayo celebration features sports events, music concerts and bullfights. Fiestas de San Isidro
celebrated in the honor of the patron saint of Madrid on May 15th bring smiles to everyone's face. Feria Taurina,
also known as bullfighting fair enjoyed from the mid of May to the mid of June at the very famous Plaza Monumental Las Ventas
The Fiestas de San Lorenzo, San Cayetano and the Virgen de la Paloma are celebrated from 6th August to 15th August
with rituals, sidewalk concerts and dancing. There are various other events and festivals in Madrid that fill the streets
of Travel to Madrid Spain with vibrant colors. These fairs and festivals in Madrid tell about the culture and history of the
capital city.
Celebration of Life: The living enjoyment of have a good time and appreciating
the society and culture in which one lives and works is what festivals promotes. More importantly it gives a time in
which people actually communicates through their talents and abilities important living traditions which gives a peoples their
Festivals are the primary Intercultural Communications Events in which the community seeks through its labors to
bringing about such events. It is here where everyone get together and to share their common cultural experiences and
future aspirations.

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Email: danishfalcon@aol.com |
On the High School, College and University Campuses:

At several College and University campuses, several International Students
/ Scholars have banded themselves into recognized student groups. First this was a means to keep in touch with ones
home, as the human connection between fellow citizens help'ed in the sociocultural transition. None the less, and more
importantly, these groups started to initiate their own social and cultural programs. The ripple affect within the sociocultural
academic ethos was awesome as it created a high character representation of their homeland and peoples and resulted in
long term relationships after graduation with Americans. Americans who got an up-front cultural education as a direct
emotional consequence of freindships they and the International Students / Scholars formed together. In several instances,
both in the private, as well as in the political sector these freindships had even a more profound impact on the American
national consciousness in its foreign relations. See the International and National Cultural Fiesta Movement web site.
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Place on email subject: InterCultural Communications.
Please advise likewise at latinadanza@aol.com concerning your dance interests or essay which covers Madrid, Spain.
Mr. Roger M. Christian, Ithaca, New York